Edward Brooke-Hitching
Dimensions: 24,892 x 19,812
Framework: Hardcover
Number of pages: 1
Release date: 25.02.2020
Publishing House: Chronicle Books
ISBN: 9781797201184
Dimensions: 24,892 x 19,812
Framework: Hardcover
Number of pages: 1
Release date: 25.02.2020
Publishing House: Chronicle Books
ISBN: 9781797201184
Небесний атлас розкриває деякі з найкрасивіших карт і діаграм, коли-небудь створених людиною, щоб скласти карту неба над нами. This richly illustrated treasury showcases the finest examples of celestial cartography--a glorious art often overlooked by modern map books -- as well as medieval manuscripts masterpiece paintings ancient star catalogs antique instruments and other curiosities. This is the sky as it has never been presented before: the realm of stars and planets