предметом предложения является книга для прослушивания (Аудиокнига) в формате MP3

Reformation-Durant, will Аудиокнига
2 651 грн.

an engrossing volume on the European Reformation by PulitzerPrize-winning historian Will DurantThe sixth volume of Durant's acclaimed Story of Civilization, The Reformationchronicles the history of European civilization from 1300 to 1564. In thismasterful work, listeners will encounter The schism within the Roman CatholicChurch and the formation of early Protestantism; The theology of Martin Luther and his societalimpact; The rise of Humanism and the life of Desiderius Erasmus; the royal monarchies of England, France, Spain,and Italy; The imperial conquests of Christopher Columbusand the discovery of the Americas; The Bohemian Revolution of Eastern Europe, theunification of Russia, and the Rise of the Ottoman Empire; The Teachings of John Calvin; andthe Counter-Reformation of the sixteenthcentury.
- автор: Durant, Will
- издательство: Blackstone Publishing
- Дата выпуска: 2014
- издание:
- количество страниц:
- формат файла: MP3 (ZIP)
- язык публикации: английский
- ISBN: 9781483024431
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