Beaba Bebecal Anti-turning in Vintage Rose
Description Beaba Bebecal in Vintage Rose Bebecal Anti-Turning Bra Description
Beaba Bebecal In Vintage Rose Anti-Turning Support-ensures the correct position of the baby during sleep (recommended by pediatricians), preventing him from turning on his tummy.
Біба-Бебекальська анти-поворотна підтримка consists of two cushions held together by a soft strip, on which the baby sits. Група їжаків під маленькою подушкою допускає підтримку, щоб бути відрегульованою на розмір дитини.
Спеціальна хвиля форми піни подушки ensures continuous air circulation. Навіть якщо ваша дитина контактує з однією з двох подушок Подушки, вона може нормально дихати.
Features Beaba Bebecal in Vintage Rose Anti-Turnover Support:
- Eases sleep, prevents your baby from rolling over on tummy .Чи>
- Use the anti-turning support until baby can turn on his own (until approx 4 months).Чи>
- Hypoallergenic, thermo-regulating fabric, cool in summer and insulating in winter.Чи>
- European Flax™ certification which guarantees The verified traceability of a premium quality flax fiber from organic European production.Чи>
- Durable, flax makes the product highly resistant .Чи>
- High absorbency.Чи>
- Natural and organic, no-irrigation production, no GMO seeds.Чи>
Technical characteristics:
- розміри: 33 x 32 x 9 см.< / Лі>
- вага: 0.16 кг.< / Лі>
- Care: machine washable at 30°C.
- Матеріал: eco-friendly linen cover, foam.Чи> вулик>